Get involved
Become a volunteer, support us financially
Financial support for the activities of Ralsko Geopark

For the third year now we have launched a public fundraiser entitled For the Landscape below Ralsko. The proceeds are to be used to save natural and cultural heritage in Ralsko and to build and restore tourist infrastructure. The regional authority checks how the fundraiser proceeds are used every year. In 2018 we opened an transparent account, where you can see what the money raised is invested in.
We are currently trying to raise funds for the project in the former villages of Ralsko. Your donation will thus be put to good use - thank you for that.
Transparent account Ralsko Geopark o.p.s.
Contribute in CZK
NOTE: The collection account is maintained as a transparent account. If funds are contributed to this account, the contributor's name and the amount of money sent are displayed. By sending funds to our collection account, you agree to the publication of your name and the amount of money sent.
Become a volunteer at our events

If you want to participate, send us your contact form and we will contact you. Thank you! Every volunteer gets a beautiful Geopark T-shirt :-)